TOP 10 COUNT DOWN Allolifestyle Tv: Khofi Mcee Emotionally frees His Mind on Social Media

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Khofi Mcee Emotionally frees His Mind on Social Media

Monday, February 15, 2021

/ by allo tawa
Putty Records and Off The Chain Versatile artist KHOFI MCEE clears the air with some touching words on Facebook. He actually made a positive point about people at the top not willing to help or support the upcoming ones when they need their support. 
Therefore, Mr. Roeh Putty, C. E. O of Putty Multimedia and AllolifestyleTv messaged him on the reason why he posted that emotional words.
 KHOFI MCEE replied: mankind will never help you win when you are down but will rather sit back watching to do your own thing, they do not care about your suffering or well-being, and when you try your best and make it or win, that same people would be calling you Bossu, chairman etc. Just to enjoy your success, meanwhile they could have been able to support you when you were in crisis. 

''Support your own'' they say, but whether they support us or not, we will surely make it through God Almighty, 3ny3 s3 bia comedy. 
 Below is his Facebook post: They'll never answer when you call, they don't even know you exist because you not that important to them but should in case this goes side ways and you end up been a "pusher, drug dealer or an armed robber etc. They will sit at their luxury homes, cars and social media showering lovely words about you and the days they used to know you. Forgetting things could have been better if they came to your aid when you where lost. SUCH IS LIFE, most mankind will never love or treat you special when you poor or helpless
Source : Senior Michael

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